Sustainability Pledge

At Twisted Bramble, we take caring for the planet seriously. We respect the earth and her seasons, are grateful for what she provides us with, and will continue to nurture our relationship with nature as we bring you closer to it. 

In an effort to communicate with the community, we have provided this Sustainability Pledge. Below is both our commitment to sustainability and our definitions of terms we use.

single slower in moss on fall tablescape
  • Twisted Bramble is committed to exclusively using local and seasonal flowers and product, both fresh and dried. 

  • Based in the Seattle area, “local” means flowers and foliage from Washington and Oregon. “Seasonal” refers to flowers and foliage that can be field grown in their respective season. Occasionally, flowers that are grown in Washington and Oregon on a small scale greenhouse operation and whose sustainability practices have been vetted will be used. 

  • Twisted Bramble will never use dyed, painted, bleached, or preserved flowers or foliage. 

  • Twisted Bramble will never use floral foam. Instead, Twisted Bramble is committed to using innovative, reusable mechanics for designs. Supplies include items such as twine, moss, flower frogs, and chicken wire that can be composted and/or reused. 

  • Twisted Bramble vows to continue learning as new information is discovered and implementing change to help restore the environment. Meghan Campbell is a Sustainable Floristry Network Member Florist

  • Twisted Bramble is committed to communicating and educating the community on sustainable floristry practices. We are in this together and once we know better, we do better.

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